work in small class teams
a building with no architectural barriers
the presence of a teacher's assistant in each class
the development of curiosity, activity and self-reliance
individual support for the learning process in the context of revalidation
adaptation of the requirements to the intellectual, perceptual and motor possibilities and needs of our pupils
implementation of pupils to live in society, to cope in everyday situations and the use of knowledge in practice
classes with specialists (psychologist, special education teacher, speech therapist)
physical education at the pool for all classes
activities using following methods: M. Montessori, Sensory Integration, F. Affolter, A Good Start, Biofeedback, G, Doman, C. Morales' massage, Conductive Education (Peto Method), W. Sherborne, Augmentative and Alternative Communication - AAC (Bliss, PCS, Pictograms), art therapy, J. Kielin, Knells, behavioral-cognitive therapy
cooperation within other institutions of the Centre "Helenow"